Yes. What you order is what you get. Before ordering ,please read details about your product or you may ask us about it.
How ever we try our best to put / advertise the latest design of the product package. Sometimes company change the product cover design of the product and the available product in the stores ,still has the older cover design. in this case product cover design may be a little bit deferent. But we guarantee that the product is still the same.
You will receive the receipt for your order to your email address which you used during checkout.
We accept returns within 30days of purchase .If you need to return your order , please contact us and we provide instructions with address to return. In order to qualify for refund, please do not damage or open the boxes or package.
Just stick or write the destination address and hand over to your local carrier.
Shipping charges will apply . Once we receive the package we will refund you the amount after deducting our shipping cost.
Yes, We always update all products and stock. If you need to purchase bulk , please let us know so that we will arrange accordingly.
If your order is late than usual or have not got at all, kindly let us know . We will try to find out the current location of your order or any issue if any.
Kindly note all parcels may be delayed due to flights limitations to destination countries. How ever we will assist you on any matter that may occur.